Petrovaradin Preradovićeva hala 380 m2 HITNO!

Lokacija: Centar (Srbija, Novi Sad, Petrovaradin)
Kvadratura: 380m2
Namena prostora: Magacin

Dodatne informacije

Preradovićeva, Dvorišni, Nenamešten, Potreban depozit, Parking, garaža

Tekst oglasa

Izdaje se hala 380m2 za razne delatnosti. Useljiva odmah. Uz halu ima i dva toaleta i mogućnost parking mesta uz doplatu. Hala se nalazi u dvorištu i ima odličan pristup samom ulazu. Hala je novije gradnje.

A hall of 380 m2 for various activities is for rent. It can be moved in immediately. There are also two toilets in the hall and the possibility of a parking space for an additional fee. The hall is located in the yard and has excellent access to the entrance itself. The hall is newly built.


Cena: 1.500,00 EUR