Fundamental Concepts of Educational Leadership and Management

Cena: 5.500,00 din

Kategorija: Stručna literatura (Ostalo, Knjige, udžbenici, Dokumentarna, stručna literatura)
Lokacija: Beograd - ostalo (Srbija, Beograd)

Tema: Menadžment
Format: Novo

Dodatne informacije:

Tekst oglasa:

<p>Naslov: Fundamental Concepts of Educational Leadership and Management&nbsp;<br /> Autor(i): Taher A. Razik, Austin D. Swanson&nbsp;<br /> Izdavač: Pearson Education&nbsp;<br /> Mesto: Old Tappan, United States&nbsp;<br /> Godina: 2009&nbsp;<br /> Povez: mek&nbsp;<br /> Strana: 432&nbsp;<br /> Format: 192 x 234 x 26mm | 721.21g&nbsp;<br /> Pismo: English&nbsp;<br /> Stanje knjige: kao novo - nekori&scaron;ćeno&nbsp;<br /> <br /> tel/viber: 063/17-47-258</p> <p>Opis knjige:&nbsp;<br /> In a time of high educational expectations and professional accountability, today&rsquo;s educational leaders must possess a broad variety of skills that enable them to function comfortably and effectively in changing environments and under highly politicized conditions. The mission of Fundamental Concepts of Educational Leadership is to foster understanding of this reality among those preparing for administrative and managerial careers in pre-colligate educational institutions and to help them develop the skills necessary for working effectively within those environments.&nbsp;</p>

Šifra oglasa: 03-381094
Datum postavljanja oglasa: 19.01.2018

Kontakt: Silvan Blue
Telefon: 0631747258
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